

Cringe! The hardest part of building this website was thinking of the right thing to say in my bio. Always sounds so weird writing about yourself for yourself. But here goes.

Growing up in England at the age of 5 I received an easy bake oven on Christmas morning. I thought it was the greatest day of my life. I spent 3 hours watching a light bulb cook my vanilla sponge and it occurred to me, If I can wait this long for my packet sponge to be cooked, then it must be a passion of mine, I’ve spent the remaining 23 years baking and honing my skills, (light bulb free)

I wanted to build a website that has awesome recipes from the simple at-home cook to someone looking for a culinary challenge. I use my own recipes and show what brings me inspiration that I can create my own little twist on. My biggest passion outside of food is travelling, I think I have equal amounts of love for both. I have spent the last 8 years living in Australia which has now become home. Besides oz, I lived in Canada and Nz and loved them both too. My dream would be to travel the world chasing food and taking photographs forever.